
Adel biometric door lock review
Adel biometric door lock review

adel biometric door lock review

In short, without proper security alarms, you become vulnerable the moment someone bypasses the lock. Sometimes electronic locks are more than enough to scare ordinary burglars away with their mere presence, but there are still some crafty criminals who can find another way to the building, no matter how protected your door is.


Unfortunately, fingerprint locks are still top-tier technology, which means that you need to basically empty your wallet to install one on your front door.


Fingerprint locks are also user-friendlier compared to Bluetooth or RFID locks, because in the latter cases you still need to look for your phone or key fob, while your thumbs are always at your service. Granted, hackers may gain access to your smartphone data and use the app to remotely open the door, but hackers are stealing data and not properties. Order at Amazon Fingerprint vs Smart Door Locksīut what benefits do fingerprint locks have above other types of electronic/smart locks? The biggest reason for purchasing such an extra layer of security is that forging a fake fingerprint is far out of the league of a simple criminal. Ardwolf A20 Biometric Fingerprint Door Lock Now that we’ve detailed the benefits of a fingerprint lock, let us give you some advice on what features you should look for by showing you three outstanding examples. Just make sure to purchase a model without keyholes, as seniors tend to force old keys therein to open the mechanism.

adel biometric door lock review

In some special cases, electronic keys are even capable of preventing elderly residents from wandering off. From a convenience point of view, using a fingerprint lock is easier: since your “biometric key” is always at hand (literally), you can forget the hustle of rummaging your pockets and bag for the keys. It’s also worth mentioning that some door locks are even fitted with an alarm that sends a notification to your phone when sensing unauthorized or forced entry.

adel biometric door lock review

From a security point of view, criminals just take a quick glance and move on, because such doors usually lack a keyhole, so their skeleton key is useless. There are several reasons why an advanced door lock best serves your need. Electronic locks usually incorporate more than one entry method for safety purposes, so if you have a fingerprint lock, chances are it’s also fitted with Bluetooth or RFID technology. Turning our attention to fingerprint locks, they can be programmed in such a way that they grant access only to the chosen people when they press their thumb on the sensor. But there is also a new method on the horizon: smart locks, with which homeowners can remotely manage the lock via an app. The most popular methods include numeric keypads, RFIDs (Radio Frequency Identification, also known as key fobs), Bluetooth connection-type locks (using your smartphone as a key), and biometric entries (fingerprint identification). Nowadays deadlocks don’t even need a keyhole, because there are other ways to open and close the door. With the arrival of electronic locks, the concept of a traditional key is getting more and more obsolete. At the same time, being able to open your door lock with a quick scan of your thumb while holding your groceries is convenient and a timesaver. The mere sight of a biometric door lock with fingerprint scanner already puts a red flag up with burglars and is a clear indicator that your home is protected using advanced security. However, if they run into a highly advanced smart lock that uses biometric authentication instead of a standard keyhole, it’s more likely that the burglars won’t even consider raiding your home. From their perspective, a kicked-in door instantly exposes them to passersby, which is why they prefer being sneaky and virtually unnoticeable. Did you know that at least one burglar out of three always tries to enter your home through the window or the front door? The basic mindset of a thief is to get inside the residence as quickly as possible, and swiftly grab anything that is valuable, before the alarms go off or the neighbors notice something.

Adel biometric door lock review